
Node.js Applications

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample Node.js Applications

Sample applications built to get better at Node.js

  • ChatApp - Chat application built using socket.io
  • NodeAuthenticationApp - Local authentication strategy built using Passport.js, also used bCrypt for hashing - MongoDB as a database
  • NodeFileUpload - Sample application to upload file using multer
  • NodeMysql - Node REST APIs built using MySql as a database (used PHPMyadmin to store data)
  • SportsBlog - Sports blog built using Pug,Node.js,Mongoose,Express-sessions
  • Weather App - simple weather app which uses http request feature of request module - used EJS as view engine
  • simpleKafkaDemo - demo application which uses Kafka-node (You must have Kafka and Zookeeper running in your machine)