
Primary LanguageJavaScript

📜 Interactive To Do List: 📋

You can:

  • View Tasks 📑
  • Add New Task ✍🏻
  • Add an ❌ to Task
  • Cross line Task onDoubleClic
  • Delete Tasks 🎯

  1. List of Todo Elements
  2. React Component rules
    1. Pass Data to Components with Props
    2. Map Over Array Items with the Map Function
  3. Get Individual Props with Destructuring
  4. Add New Todo List Items onSubmit
  5. Handle Form Submissions
    1. Prevent Default Form Behavior method on it called .preventDefault()
  6. Access Form Data on Submit event.target.elements
  7. State using the useState hook
  8. Re-renders .concat()
  9. Refs and useRef React.useRef() inputRef ref={inputRef}: input.ref.current,
  10. Essential Rules of React Hooks
  11. Mark Todos as Done with onClick textDecoration onClick handleToggleTodo setTodos onDoubleClic
  12. Handle Deleting window.confirm()