
Recreation of Kubernetes the Hard Way in containers instead of GCP.

Kubernetes the Hard Way - in Containers


  • Lightweight.

    My 7 year old laptop is good enough to do kubernetes the hard way in containers, but was not powerful enough to do the VirtualBox version.

  • Cheap.

    No need for GCP. You'll do it on your laptop.

  • Screencasts included.

    You can just watch the screencast videos or use them when you're having problems.

  • Verified labs.

    The documentation, transcripts and screencasts were created from a set of screencast files. Any command shown in the labs was the command that was actually run in the screencast.

Accessing the Labs

There are two sets. One for docker and one for podman.

Seekable videos are in the kthw-docker/images directory only.

Start the Docker version here

Start the Podman version here

Creating the Screencasts

See: kthw-screencast-howto.md.