
Google Cloud Platform LAB Repository

This repository is part of my GCP studies to perform the vast possibilities of using/implementing google services

Bring your custom script to run anything you desire

Commit your script into ./scripts folder and change the script name into the cicd-definitions.sh file as below

export TF_VAR_startup_script="../scripts/<YOUR_SCRIPT>.sh"

You can also customize firewall rule to forward your application port and access it via compute external IP:
Editing the file terraform/compute-instance.tf

resource "google_compute_firewall" "http-server" {
  name    = "default-allow-http"
  network = "default"

  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"
    ports    = ["80", "8080", "<PORT>"]

Custom commit message to trigger CircleCi pipeline

In order to have custom builds it is possible to commit with special messages
[skip ci] <- built in flag that skips pipeline trigger
[tf-destroy] <- triggers the pipeline to run 'terraform destroy' which will shutdown current GCP infrastructure
[custom-vm]|<script_name.sh> <- triggers the pipeline creating the VM instance with script provided as startup script
[custom-command] <- triggers the pipeline and runs the command specified
For this custom command you need to use a pipe '|' and then the command as follow as an example:

$ git commit -m "[custom-command] | terraform init"


