
Ben Eater's 8-bit breadboard computer emulator

Primary LanguagePython


Ben Eater's 8-bit breadboard computer emulator

YouTube tutorials


Instruction set

Opcode Mnemonic Description
0000 NOP No Operation
0001 LDA Load contents of a memory address XXXX into A register
0010 ADD Load contents of a memory address XXXX into B register, then performs A+B and stores the result in A register
0011 SUB Load contents of a memory address XXXX into B register, then performs A-B and stores the result in A register
0100 STA Store contents of A register at memory address XXXX
0101 LDI Load 4 bit immediate value into A register
0110 JMP Unconditional jump: sets program counter to XXXX and executes from there
0111 JC Jump if carry: sets program counter to XXXX when carry flag is set and executes from there
1000 JZ Jump if zero: sets program counter to XXXX when zero flag is set and executes from there
1110 OUT Output contents of A register to 7 segment display, in our case, we'll print it on console
1111 HLT Halts the execution