
Tapelang is a successor of brainfuck programming language which involves extra command set.

Primary LanguageC


Tapelang is a successor of brainfuck programming language which involves extra command set.


I believe everybody who had ever tried to follow Urban Muller's challenge to write something useful in brainfuck found it extremely difficult to implement the very basic things you can easily do in "real" programming languages. Originally I was trying to implement something similar to C's readline() function equivalent. Probably many of you has seen such a program in brainfuck: +[,.] - a "text editor". The problem in this particular app is that you're in the infinite loop and can't naturally escape the execution. So if user want's say quit on pressing Enter key, the program would change to: +[,.----------], but what if you want to escape on pressing Esc? You'll need 27 times type "-"... So that's how the idea was born - why not to write +[,.-27] ? That's where I've started. It turned out really easy to implement such a functionality with a simple atoi() function for parsing numeric constants. Numerous commands for making brainfuck programming easier has arrived in addition as well.


I don't claim myself to be the inventor of something new for the ideas descibed above has been implemented many times before. There are some "languaes" on esolangs.org with somewhat similar functionality. So I'm doing this just because I like the idea behind brainfuck, especially it's extreme minimalism, and simply want slightly extend them on my own.


Tapelang is really beginner friendly project which perfectly fits educational purposes. Feel free to fork the repo and make pool requests. I want tapelang to be the community project because of it's wideness and easyness, so that even unexperienced programmers can easily bring something they want to the project. I'm open to any ideas at this point. Please use "issues" tab to ask questions. Here's a brief TODO list. You can implement a single feature and already make a pool request:

- {>10 code} - execute code if *mem > 10
- {<10 code} - execute code if *mem < 10
- {<=10 code} - execute code if *mem <= 10
- {>=10 code} - execute code if *mem >= 10
- change current syntax - {10 code} - execute code if *mem == 10
  to - {=10 code} - execute code if *mem < 10
- {!=10 code} - execute code if *mem != 10
- make cell/value bounds checking as function

The way I was originally doing this is as follows - start implementing an algorythm and add the desirable functionality

Another ways to contribute:

- point out a bug and open an issue
- write a program in tapelang
- make a windows port... (this would be a new branch if somebody does that ever)
- write a decent documentation (pdf/web/wiki)



Command set

!              execute commands at the data pointer until encountered "!" to switch back to source file
?              print debug info in format "cell#ID: Value"
&              skip character next to "&" (needed to store command symbols as strings)

#[Number]      set data pointer at cell of a given number
>              increment the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the right)

>[Number]      add number to the data pointer

<	             decrement the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the left)
<[Number]      subtract number from the data pointer

@[Number]      set byte at the data pointer to a given number

#@             set data pointer at the value of a byte at given cell
@#             set the byte at the data pointer to the value of data pointer

+              increment (increase by one) the byte at the data pointer
+[Number]      add number to the byte at the data pointer
+#[Number]     add value of byte at cell#[Number] to the current cell's byte

-	           decrement (decrease by one) the byte at the data pointer
-[Number]      substract number from the byte at the data pointer
-#[Number]     substract value of byte at cell#[Number] from the current cell's byte

=#[Number]     assign value of byte at cell#[Number] to the current cell's byte

*[Number]      multiply the byte at the data pointer by the number
:[Number]      divide the byte at the data pointer by the number

{[Number]}     execute {code} only if number equals the byte at the data pointer

$[String]      write string starting at the data pointer (until zero cell is encountered)

.              output ascii character of the byte at the data pointer
.%             output decimal value of the byte at the data pointer
,	             accept one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the data pointer

%              output string at the data pointer (until zero cell is encountered)
;              accept bytes of input until '\n' is encountered and store them starting
               at the data pointer

/              write file "out.txt" containing string stored at the data pointer
               (until zero cell is encountered)
\              read file "out.txt" and store it at the data pointer

[	           if the byte at the data pointer is zero, then instead of moving
               the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it forward
               to the command after the matching "]" command
]	           if the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, then instead of moving
               the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it back
               to the command after the matching [ command

Example programs

Hello, world!

$Hello&, world&! >@10
#0 %

Fibonacci with casual styled comments

#0                                      variable 'user input' &= 0
#1                                      variable 'first' &= 0
#2 @1                                   variable 'second' &= 1
#3                                      variable 'next' &= 0
#4                                      variable 'count' &= 0

#5 $Enter the number of terms&: @0      string to prompt user
#5 %                                    print string

#6 @10                                  new line

#27 +[#0,.#27@0]                        get user input and store it at cell 0
#0 -48                                  convert char to int at cell 0

    #4                                  go to cell 4 (count variable)
        {0 #3 =#4 .% #6. }             if count &= 0 next &= count
        {1 #3 =#4 .% #6. }             if count &= 1 next &= count
        #3 =#1 +#2 .% #6.               print next &= first &+ second
        #1 =#2                          first &= second
        #2 =#3                          second &= next
        #4+                             increment count

    #0                                  go to cell 0
    -                                   decrements loop

Fibonacci with pseudo code styled comments

var user_input (#0)
var first(#1)
var second(#2)
set second(@1)

var next(#3)
var count(#4)

var user_prompt(#5)
set user_prompt($Enter the number of terms&: @0)

goto user_prompt(#5)

var new_line(#6)
set new_line(@10)

goto end_of_user_prompt(#27)

    goto user_input(#0)
    goto end_of_user_prompt(#27)
    set end_of_user_prompt(@0)

goto new_line(#6)

goto user_input(#0)

    goto count(#4)
    if(count &= 0)
        goto next(#3)
        set next(=#4)
        goto new_line(#6)

    esle if(count &= 1)
        goto next(#3)
        set next(=#4)
        goto new_line(#6)
    goto next(#3)
    set next(=#1)
    add next(+#2)
    goto new_line(#6)

    goto first(#1)
    set first(=#2)
    goto second(#2)
    set second(=#3)
    goto count(#4)

    goto user_input(#0)

Build & Run

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev      to install ncurses library
gcc tapelang.c -o tl -lncurses                             to compile with GCC
tl hello.tl                                                to run a given file