
Minimalist cross-platform terminal based text editor

Primary LanguageGo


Minimalist cross-platform terminal based text editor



Project idea

Combine powerful Linux 'ed' command set with the visual interface,
hence the name: (V)isual (I)nterface, (C)ommand (I)nput.
Unlikely VI/VIM this project is focused on simplicity of usage
and should be treated as "visual ed", which essentially it is.


  • visual text editing
  • "ed" command set
  • rudimentary syntax highlighting


      ESC - enter the 'VIEW' mode
        e - enter the 'EDIT' mode
        r - enter the 'REPLACE' mode
        d - cut current line to copy buffer
        y - copy current line to copy buffer
        a - enable autocomplete for parens & quotes
        p - paste line from copy buffer
        c - join current line to previous one
        x - delete char under the cursor
        u - undo/redo last change
        s - toggle syntax highlighting
        1 - go to the first line
        $ - go to the last line
        : - execute command

hjkl/Arrows - move cursor m/PgDown - scroll 4 screen rows downwards ,/PgUp - scroll 4 screen rows upwards n/HOME - move cursor to the begining of the current line ./END - move cursor to the end of the current line


See GNU ed commands for reference, all but global
commands are working just like in GNU ed, substitute
command acts globally by default but can be limited
if prefixed by the line numbers' range

While being in 'VIEW' mode, press ":" to enter command mode.
Input command and press enter to execute it.


: 1              go to the first line
: $              go to the last line
: 12             go to line number 12
: .              go to the current line (does nothing, used in expressions)
: .+10           scroll down 10 lines
: .-10           scroll up 10 lines
: $-5            scroll to 5 lines before the last line


: /pat/          scroll to first "pat" occurrence ("pat" can be regexp )
: /pat/;//       scroll to the second "pat" occurrence
: //             scroll to the next "pat" occurrence
: \\             scroll to the previous "pat" occurence
: s/pat/sub/     substitute "pat" with "sub" globally ("pat" can be regexp)
: 2,5s/pat/sub/  substitute "pat" with "sub" within lines 2,5 inclusive


: e file.txt     load "file.txt" to the buffer
: r file.txt     insert content of the "file.txt" to the current line in buffer
: f file.txt     set current file name to "file.txt"
: w file.txt     save file as "file.txt"
: w              save current file
: q              exit from editor


: 10,23m41       move lines 10,23 inclusive after line 41
: 10,23t41       copy lines 10,23 inclusive after line 41
: 10,23y         copy lines 10,23 inclusive to copy buffer
: 10,23d         cut lines 10,23 inclusive to copy buffer
: 41             paste content of the copy buffer after line 41
: u              undo/redo last change


$ vici                # opens editor with 'out.txt' source file name
$ vici my_file.txt    # opens editor with 'my_file.txt' if it exists,
                      # otherwise sets source filename to 'my_file.txt'

Latest Release

