
Реализация туториала по Scala и GraphQL от Mariusz Nosiński https://www.howtographql.com/graphql-scala/0-introduction/

Primary LanguageScala

HowToGraph - GraphQL with Sangria Tutorial codebase

A code for GraphQL-Sangria Tutorial. Visit HowtoGraphql.com to learn more.

Running the example

sbt ~reStart

SBT will automatically compile and restart the server whenever the source code changes.

After the server is started you can run queries interactively using GraphiQL by opening http://localhost:8080 in a browser.

Use different PORT if you've changed it int he configuration.

Database Configuration

This example uses an in-memory H2 SQL database. The schema and example data will be re-created every time server starts.

If you would like to change the database configuration or use a different database, then please update src/main/resources/application.conf.