
Treehouse Full-Stack JS Developer program: example of project after Unit 5

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Use a Public API to Create an Employee Directory

Task potential realization instance according to Unit 5 Treehouse Full-Stack JS Developer Program. In the Task #2 which resembles closely the giving Task, I have arranged the logic in the form of a small jQuery-plugin. For example, so as to initialize the Employee Directory one need to write the following:

    $("{your selector here}").employees({ ...your options here });

The plugin has certain setting-ups (just to make it more interesting)

Setting Description Default value
dataSource setting up of the data details null
dataSource.data specify simultaneous data details (not applicable for the Task) new Array(0)
dataSource.transport function receiving two callbacks (success, error) and define AJAX-call of the data details null
filterable setting-up, showing whether to initialize the search box or not false
detail setting-up showing whether to initialize the opening of the supply information window by clicking on the users card , false

As usual, for the slicing I used SCSS and Compass. I think it resembles closely your blueprints. If the search option turns on, the data will be refined according to the sequence of inserted symbols in names, surnames or the users nickname. For example, if you insert t, the list of suitable users will be the following:

  • { name: { first: "Tom" } }
  • { name: { last: "Skott" } }
  • { login: { username: "skout56" } }

To run the project one can start index.html file in its browser or use the following commands:

    npm install
    npm start

I hope you will enjoy it. Max Eremin