
Parameterizing Branch-and-Bound Search Trees to Learn Branching Policies

angr is a platform-agnostic binary analysis framework

angr's power comes not from it being an emulator, but from being able to execute with what we call symbolic variables.

Apple AMX Instruction Set

potential target for low latency (or sparse?) stuff

SDSL - Succinct Data Structure Library

gonna need this sooner or later

GILP (Geometric Interpretation of Linear Programs)

just useful for learning about BB (what about interior point?)

Symbolic Fourier-Motzkin elimination

is this the actual basis of PIP?


for hackerrank interviews...


Solve puzzles. Learn CUDA.

Clockwork: Polyhedral Analysis for Hardware Accelerators

AST-transformations (jetbrains)

can i use this for a better python ast? also

Entropy-Directed Scheduling

implement for CIRCT?


Circle is a C++ bare metal programming environment for the Raspberry Pi.

Easy creation of custom import hooks to experiment on alternatives to Python's syntax

basically does rewrite on import which enables python files to host alternative syntax. kind of cute but not really what i want

Optimization Modulo Theories examples

static memory allocation problem can be formulated as LRA opt + XOR? also

Symbolic Fourier-Motzkin elimination

not sure


Chunky Loop Analyzer: A Polyhedral Representation Extraction Tool for High Level Programs

compiling is annoying af

  • python bindings
  • use clan to analyze python for loops


A Next-Generation Compiler Compiler

  • use it to parse python into MLIR (using mll)

The Yices SMT Solver

  • extract the BDD and combine with PIP

Intel Extension for MLIR

  • use the python frontend to lower to affine


if i'm gonna solve things symbolically (ie DSA) this might be useful


just take for a test drive

Binary Decision Diagrams

use in combination with yices?

Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL)

how is it different from ISL? sage bindings?. also python bindings

TAMUparametric PPOPT

can this solve DSA?

VPL (Verified Polyhedra Library)

somewhere in here there's an implementation of a PIP solver

Polyhedral projection is a main operation of the polyhedron abstract domain. It can be computed via parametric linear programming (PLP), which is more efficient than the classic Fourier-Motzkin elimination method.

^ hmm is that really true? i thought one relied on the other?

related to this paper (An efficient parametric linear programming solver and application to polyhedral projection)


A naive implementation of the Gomory cutting plane algorithm

is this faster than solving the CSP?

The Dynamic Runtime Inlining (DRTI) project

The basic concept is to get the normal compiler front end like clang to emit its LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) as a bitcode file, then run a custom LLVM pass over this to inject DRTI code at the appropriate places.


SCIL - Symbolic Constraints in Integer Linear programming


Bounded Search and Symbolic Inference for Constraint Optimization

We present a novel algorithm for finite domain constraint optimization that generalizes branch-and-bound search by reasoning about sets of assignments rather than individual assignments.

High Throughput Low Latency Online Image Processing by GPU/FPGA Coprocessors Using RDMA Techniques

the next step of the low latency work

A Lightweight Symbolic Virtual Machine for Solver-Aided Host Languages

don't quite understand this but symbolic virtual machine is what i need for various parts of the static memory planning thing

Symbolic Optimization with SMT Solvers

An Efficient Parametric Linear Programming Solver and Application to Polyhedral Projection

Geometric Algorithm for Multiparametric Linear Programming

faster way to solve PIPs?

Reinforcement Learning for Integer Programming: Learning to Cut

approx method for solving ILPs (learning). probably not that easy to implement (gym env?)

Efficiently Solving Repeated Integer Linear Programming Problems by Learning Solutions of Similar Linear Programming Problems using Boosting Trees

approx method for solving ILPs (learning). probably easy to prototype using xgboost

Presburger Formulas and Polyhedral Compilation

isl official tutorial (read after completing pollylabs tuts)

Discovering faster matrix multiplication algorithms with reinforcement learning

Interestingly, AlphaTensor finds algorithms with a larger number of additions compared with Strassen-square (or equivalently, denser decompositions), but the discovered algorithms generate individual operations that can be efficiently fused by the specific XLA33 grouping procedure and thus are more tailored towards the compiler stack we use.

A Scalable Approach to Exact Resource-Constrained Scheduling Based on a Joint SDC and SAT Formulation

implement in CIRCT

maybe this can be done using or-tools?

maybe this can be done with

Formulating Integer Linear Programs: A Rogues’ Gallery

just good to know

Symbolic Optimization with SMT Solvers

can this solve the DSA problem?

Lock-Free Data Structures

just good to know

Clockwork: Resource-Efficient Static Scheduling for Multi-Rate Image Processing Applications on FPGAs

implement in CIRCT

Macro-embedding Compiler Intermediate Languages in Racket

read after learning racket


CMSC 430: Design and Implementation of Programming Languages

racket class on implementing small languages


probably useful for lockfree?

Game Programming Patterns

just good to know

Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures

required reading but i'll probably never get to it?

Types and Programming Languages

required reading but i'll probably never get to it?


An Introduction to Binary Decision Diagrams

Building a Tiny Mutex

definitely need to know this for HFT

Race Conditions Can Be Useful for Parallelism

The Solid-State Register Allocator

suitable allocation algo for nns?

Static, Shared Dynamic and Loadable Linux Libraries

re the MLIR pass plugin project. also

Practical Guide to Bare Metal C++

maybe for bare metal arm but also maybe bare metal gpu

Boosting Inline Packet Processing Using DPDK and GPUdev with GPUs

this is the next stage of the low latency project

also and Benchmarking GPUDirect RDMA on Modern Server Platforms

mp-LE, explicit solutions

can this solve the DSA problem?

Blossom algorithm

should probably know this after teaching rohan

Procedural Macros: Parsing custom syntax

learn in order to use rust a compiler. another source.

VLIW, Software Pipelining, and Limits to ILP

read in prep for luminous

hn post about autodiff in haskell

some useful discussion on symbolic autodiff

hn post about Measuring CPU core-to-core latency

useful for ... everything?

A look at the performance of expression templates in C++: Eigen vs Blaze vs Fastor vs Armadillo vs XTensor

probably inflated but worth a read

hn post about compiling Clang to WASM

compile MLIR to wasm in order to run in browser? maybe that's useless and just use torch-mlir wheels

PCIe latency

hack pcie to get lower than 0.5us latency

Simplification of Presburger formulas in practice

cs.theory discussing how presburger formulas actually work - including some discussion of BDDs