Documentation for the project:


Thanks for the interesting idea, it was a pleasure to work on this as well as on the API project. I have completed all project requirements as required.

I will add a screencast to the zipped folder, so you can visually see how the app works, just in case you fail to launch it for any reason.

How to launch the project:

  1. Make sure to navigate to the root folder of the project
  2. If node is not installed on your machine, please make sure to do it. Here is the guide:
  3. Run npm run init-and-start-ios command in the terminal in order to run the app on an iOS emulator
  4. Run npm run init-and-start-android command in the terminal in order to run the app on an Android emulator
  5. The app should be built successfully and the emulator window will be shown.

Project structure description:

  • We have helpers, components, views, models folders at the top level of the src folder.  Their names are self-explanatory. Just need to mention that all the content from them is used throughout the whole project. That is why it is at the top level.