
Merging the capabilities of AI with Political Science

Is it possible to quantify an abstract construct like Legitimacy?

Can a method be developed in order to merge the concept of legitimacy with Data Science and Machine Learning tools?

How can it be used in order to aid:

  • political and business leaders to prevent detachment from society and adhere their performance to existing societal values and trends,
  • governments and international organizations to develop and implement principles, values and decision making criteria in order to unite, shape and lead a society + obtain an ability to explain all sorts of social behavior that would otherwise seem not connected or irrational,
  • financial and business institutions to minimize potential sociopolitical risks, losses and predict the occurrence of certain events (preconditions) leading to opportunities.

PUBLICATION: We tried to answer these questions and show how the developed concept can be applied in practice (Ukraine was used as an example) in the recently published book chapter.

PUBLIC PRESENTATION: The methodology was presented at a seminar in the Institute of Central Europe (Poland). We considered new approaches to analysis & prediction of socio-political risks as well as necessity to foster implementation of legitimacy-based agile governance models. See slides here.

The further work is being performed within a Legitensority research project.