
Initial FastAPI project with SQLAlchemy (asyncpg), Alembic, Pydantic, Pytest, Poetry Gunicorn, Docker, docker-compose, Ruff, coverage, logging

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

fastapi_quickstart (In development, WIP)!!!

Initial FastAPI project with SQLAlchemy (asyncpg), Alembic, Pydantic v2, Pytest, Poetry, Gunicorn, Docker, docker-compose, ruff, black, isort, flake8, coverage, factory-boy, pytest-alembic, pydantic-factories.



Create .env file (based on example.env)

cp example.env .env

Setup environment

poetry env use python3.11

Activate environment

poetry shell

Install packages

poetry install

Run all containers (PostgreSQL, PGAdmin, Redis, RedisInsights)

docker-compose up -d

Run Back-end

docker-compose (local container)

It also possible to uncomment backend service inside docker-compose.yml and run through the docker compose.

Note: Set POSTGRES_HOST to postgres (POSTGRES_HOST=postgres) inside .env file

Uvicorn (local)

poetry run python -m apps

With Gunicorn & UvicornWorker (like a prod)

task run

Tech stack

Package & Dependencies Management

  • poetry (with pyproject.toml)


  • Docker
  • docker-compose
    • db (PostgreSQL latest)
    • pgadmin (PGAdmin — GUI for PostgreSQL simplifies query creation, profiling and management, debugging)
    • redis (Redis latest)
    • redis_insights (Redis Insights — GUI for Redis)
    • backend (Commented — possible to run Back-end via docker-compose)


  • pytest (with pytest-asyncio)
  • pytest-cov (for run tests with coverage)
  • pytest-mock (to use mocker fixture)
  • pytest-randomly (to random sort tests in runtime)
  • pytest-clarity (for better tests fails descriptions)
  • Faker (to generate random data)
  • pytest-alembic (to run tests on migrations)
  • factory-boy (to generate model factories in db)


  • iPython (enhanced console for Python)

Linters & Formatters

  • ruff (Rust based linter & formatter)
  • xenon (code linter, complexity linter)
  • mypy (code linter, type annotations linter)


  • FastAPI (Starlette) (ASGI web framework)
  • typer (CLI creation framework)

DB drivers & tools

  • SQLAlchemy (ORM, Core, db schema declaration)
  • alembic (DB migrations tool)
  • psycopg2-binary (sync driver for working with PostgreSQL)
  • asyncpg (async driver for working with PostgreSQL)
  • aioredis (async driver for working with Redis)

Extra libraries

  • httpx (async client library)
  • orjson (fast JSON serialization/deserialization)
  • pydantic v2 (JSON & data validation tool)
  • uvicorn (ASGI web server implementation)
  • gunicorn (process management tool)
  • bcrypt (hashing library, passwords hashing)
  • PyJWT (library for working with JWT tokens)