This is the VSCode extension for verilog waredorm view based on ts/js and d3.js.
This extension renders signal dumps into specified svg.
git clone # clone this library
npm install # normaldependencies
npm install --only=dev # developement only dedpendencies
- If you develop under WinOS, you can run following
npm commands
in cmd or powershell directly.
npm run build # build and bundle code to 'dist' folder
npm test # run tests(optional)
npm run coveralls # run coverage tests(optional)
- If you develop under Linux or MacOS, you need to modify package.json first before you run
npm commands
// "build": "rmdir /s/q dist && mkdir dist && set NODE_ENV=production && rollup -c"
"build": "rm -rf dist && mkdir dist && NODE_ENV=production rollup -c"
// "clean": "rmdir /s/q dist/ node_modules/"
"clean": "rm -rf dist/ node_modules/"
//"test": "set NODE_ENV=development && jest"
"test": "NODE_ENV=development jest"
//"coveralls": "set NODE_ENV=development && jest --coverage && type ./tests/coverage/ | coveralls"
"coveralls": "NODE_ENV=development jest --coverage && cat ./tests/coverage/ | coveralls"
If you have installed python3+
and added it to the environment path, enter the following command:
python -m http.server
If you have installed python2+
, enter the following command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
- This command will start a http server( in current folder.
- Open this address in browser( and click link on page to visit the
to run example.
Open the
folder in VSCode, and pressF5
to run the extenion in debug mode. -
to open command palette and enterwave viewer
to run extension.
- After you run in browser or in VSCode, click
select file
buttion in page. - Select the json file
, and then the waveform will display on the screen.
- Vertical scrolling and zoom in time domain
- Tree based signal hierarchy view (collapsable)
- Signal tree scrollbar with preview
- Drag-and-drop/key based signal organization
- Renderers for int, str, bit, enum and bit vector values (user extendible)
- Dynamic time unit on x-axis
- Responsive design
- Arbitrary integer values
- d3-wave (License in 3rd_party_licenses/LICENSE)