
(Use makuto/ogre-start-project instead!)

Primary LanguageC++


Do not use this repository. Use ogre-start-project instead. It is a much cleaner, easier setup.

Ogre 2 Template

A default setup for Ogre 2 that I’m satisfied with. For my own reference more than anyone else’s.

I don’t like CMake, so I set up Jamrules for compiling with jam.

Install Ogre 2

Latest instructions straight from Ogre

Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libfreeimage-dev libzzip-dev libxrandr-dev libxaw7-dev freeglut3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev doxygen graphviz python-clang libsdl2-dev cmake ninja-build mercurial

Run clone and build script:


The latest version of that script can be found here (Direct link). If my copy doesn’t work, you should use Ogre 2’s copy.

That script will get Ogre and compile it in both Debug and Release modes.

Ogre project setup

Wiki I followed to get the Jamrules setup for an empty project.

The empty project is copied from Tutorial06_Multithreading in Ogre’s samples.

To replicate for another project, run SetupOgreFromSample.sh.

Build the template

Install jam:

sudo apt install jam

Build the template (ogre_test executable):

jam -j4