Implement two join algorithms, SMJ (Sort Merge Join) and NLJ (Nested Loops Join) in java

Primary LanguageJava


Implement two join algorithms, SMJ (Sort Merge Join) and NLJ (Nested Loops Join) in java

Program accepts the following command line arguments:

  • -f1 : full path to file1
  • -a1 <file1_join_attribute>: the column to use as join attribute from file1 (counting from 0)
  • -f2 : same as above for file2
  • -a2 <file2_join_attribute>: same as above for file2
  • -j <join_algorithm_to_use>: SMJ or NLJ
  • -m <available_memory_size>: we use as memory metric the number of records
  • -t <temporary_dir_path>: a directory to use for reading/writing temporary files
  • -o <output_file_path>: the file to store the result of the join

For example, in order to join two relations stored in files “R.csv” and “S.csv” on the first column of R and the second column of S, using Sort-Merge Join, having available memory = 100 records and saving the result to file “results.csv” one should execute the following command:

java –jar joinalgs.jar –f1 R.csv –a1 0 –f2 S.csv –a2 1 –j SMJ –m 100 –t tmp –o results.csv