
A Probabilistic modeling and simulation language for modern vehicle IT infrastructures

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


vehicleLang is a probabilistic modeling and simulation language for vehicular cyber attacks. More specifically, it is a domain specific language (DSL) created with MAL (the Meta Attack Language) and extended from coreLang. All the initial work on vehicleLang was done in the context of Master Thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and was funded by the Threat MOVE project. vehicleLang is however still developed and extended!

vehicleLang 2.0

vehicleLang 2.0 is created with coreLang as the foundation. coreLang is created with MAL and is a domain specific language (DSL) that models the abstract IT-domain. Work on vehicleLang 2.0 is done in the context of a masters thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you on how to have a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Project's file structure

This project has the following structure:

  • The file pom.xml is the Maven configuration file of the project.
  • The language itself, the MAL specification, is found on the *.mal files located on the src/main/mal directory.
  • The unit and integration test cases of vehicleLang are located on the src/test/java/org/mal_lang/vehiclelang/test directory.
  • The directory src/main/resources/icons should contain the SVG icons for the assets in vehicleLang.
  • Finally, on the doc folder the documentation of vehicleLang can be found.

Since this is a Maven project it is ought to be opened by any compatible IDE or to be used with the mvn command line tool.

Building a securiCAD compatible .jar file and running the tests

Building a vehicleLang JAR for use in securiCAD does only require access on the proper repository from where all the needed packages will be automatically downloaded during building.

So, the securiCAD-compatible vehicleLang can be built by running:

mvn package -PsecuriCAD

If successful, the JAR can be picked up from the target directory as target/vehiclelang-<ver>.jar.

Note: Compiling for securiCAD requires Java 11 to be used.

Only building a securiCAD compatible .jar file

If you don't want to run the unit tests, you can build a securiCAD compatible .jar file with the following command:

mvn package -PsecuriCAD -Dmaven.test.skip=true

The resulting .jar file will be located in target/vehiclelang-<ver>.jar.

Only running the test cases of the language

If you don't want to build a securiCAD compatible .jar file, you can run the unit tests with the following command:

mvn test

Built With

  • Maven - Dependency Management


  • Sotirios Katsikeas


  • Filip Lundqvist
  • Nedo Skobalj


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details