
In progress

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is still in progress and not ready for use right now.

Watcher is a mutation detection library. It attempts to use the browser's MutationObserver if available, if that's not available it'll attempt to use a mutation event listener, and if that's not possible it'll attempt to manually watch for changes. Mutation observers are preferred because they're less intensive on the browser, followed by mutation event listeners, and lastly manually watching for changes. Manually watching for changes is intensive, and may crash the browser.

This allows you to react to changes in the HTML DOM of your webpage.

It should be noted that this library won't be useful for very long, as Mutation Events have been deprecated and support for them is slowly dropping. Until then, maybe this will be useful for you.

MutationObserver listens for the following types of mutations:

  • attribute mutations (attribute)
  • character data mutations (characterData)
  • mutations within the tree of nodes for an element (childList)


You can pass an object into Watcher when you first init it. The object can take the following properties:

Name Type What it do Default
showLogs boolean Enables console.log() logging. false
onInsert function Callback to run when the HTML mutation is a node insertion. function(){}
onRemove function Callback to run when the HTML mutation is a node removal. function(){}
onAlter function Callback to run when the HTML mutation is an alteration of either the attributes or the character data within a node. function(){}
intervalWatcher function Function to run during every interval check. (Used for final manual watch only.) function(){}
observerConfig object Configuration object that MutationObserver expects. Defaults are provided. See below.

observerConfig properties:

Name What it do Default
attributes true
childList true
characterData true
subtree true


The onInsert, onRemove, and onAlter user-defined methods within the initial config object will all recieve back a mutation object. This is just directly piped from the MutationObserver object itself. There's a lot of information on this object that can be used for your reaction. If a MutationObserver is not being used by the library because it is unavailable to the browser, every attempt has been made to send an object back as identical as possible to MutationObserver's mutation object so that you only need to react to one type of data structure.

If you need to disconnect Watch, run Watcher.disconnect().

Some mutation object properties

Name Type What it do
type string Indicates what type of mutation occurred. Possible values: attribute, characterData, childList
target node Target node for what was affected.
addedNodes nodeList Returns what nodes were added, if any.
removedNodes nodeList Returns which nodes were removed, if any.
previousSibling node Returns the previous sibling of the added or removed nodes, or null.
nextSibling node Returns the next sibling of the added or removed nodes, or null.
attributeName string Local name of the changed attribute, or null.
attributeNamespace string Namespace of the changed attribute, or null.
oldValue string Previous value before mutation occurred, unless the type is childList (then it returns null).


In addition to setting config.showLogs to true to enable console logging, you can also call Watcher.talk() which will output some basic information about its state:

Name What it mean
config An object of all of the config options currently set for Watcher.
using What type of mutation watching Watcher is using.
observer The observer object Watcher is using.
interval The interval watcher object Watcher is using.

Useful links