Simple School Class System

Simple School class is a system to organize the contact information of the teachers and students and manage the student classes.

Technology set is the latest version of Laravel + Inertia JS with VueJs3 as the frontend layer.

###This Website contains the following components:

  1. Teacher Contact details.
  2. Student Contact details.
  3. A teacher has many classes
  4. A teacher has many students
  5. A class has many students
  6. A student belongs to many classes
  7. A student belongs many teachers
  8. Each student has 3 marks per class (First, Mid term and Final term)


  1. Clean and documented code following PSR-12 standards
  2. Database migration files
  3. Models
  4. Controllers
  5. Routes
  6. Role Based system
    1. Admin who can see all stakeholders
    2. Teacher who can see all students and classes
    3. Student who can see his classes and teachers contact details along with class details and marks
  7. Set of Pages
    1. Login Page
    2. Registration Page
    3. Teacher Profile Page
    4. Student Profile Page
    5. Class Details Page
    6. A teacher should be able to
      1. Add Student Mark per class
      2. Edit Student Mark per class
      3. Submit tasks and materials to class as PDF or PowerPoint files (other formats aren't allowed)

Deployment guide

To be added.