
Digital-Filter-Designer is a versatile desktop tool for crafting custom digital filters with precision. Featuring an interactive Z-Plane plot and real-time filtering, it offers a comprehensive solution for signal processing needs.

Primary LanguagePython


Table of Contents


This desktop application allows users to design custom digital filters by placing zeros and poles on the z-plane. Users can visualize the filter's frequency response and apply the designed filter to real-time signals. Additionally, the application provides tools to correct for phase distortion using All-Pass filters.


Interactive Z-Plane Plot:

  • Users can place zeros and poles on the z-plane.
  • Modify the positions of zeros/poles by dragging them.

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  • Delete zeros or poles by clicking on them.
  • Clear all zeros, all poles, or all elements.

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  • Option to add conjugates for complex elements.
  • Drag the pair of conjugates simultaneously
  • Delete tha pair of conjugates together

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Real-Time Filtering:

  • Users can generate and input an arbitrary real-time signal by moving the mouse on a small padding area.
  • The speed of mouse movement dictates the frequency content of the generated signal, with faster motion resulting in higher frequencies and slower motion resulting in lower frequencies.
  • Low pass filter:

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  • High pass filter:

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All-Pass Filters:

  • Library of All-Pass filters for correcting phase distortion.
  • Option to add All-Pass filters to the original design.
  • Custom-built All-Pass filter: Users can input arbitrary parameters to create a custom All-Pass filter.

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  1. Clone the repository
   git clone https://github.com/camelliamarwan/Digital-Filter-Designer.git
  1. Install project dependencies
   pip install PyQt5
   pip install pandas
   pip install numpy
   pip install pyqtgraph
   pip install matplotlib
  1. Run the application
   python main.py


  • Upon launching the application, you'll be presented with the main interface.

  • Use the Z-Plane plot to design your filter by placing zeros and poles. Make adjustments as needed.

  • Visualize the frequency response of your filter using the provided graphs.

  • Apply the designed filter to real-time signals. Control the filtering speed using the slider.

  • Correct for phase distortion by adding All-Pass filters from the library or creating custom ones.


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