
Send Bitcoins from one wallet to another. This is designed to be as simple to use as possible.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The simpliest way to send bitcoins from one wallet to another using javascript. This library will hook into popular third party services such as blockchain.info and blockexplorer.com to do all the heavy lifting in sending a bitcoin transaction. Other libraries require you to parse 3rd party apis or run external software to send a transaction. This library is meant to be as simple as possible while still allowing for customization.

Designed to run on both NodeJS and in the browser.


npm install --save bitcoin-transaction

or for the browser

npm install -g browserify uglify-js
npm install bitcoin-transaction
browserify -r bitcoin-transaction -s bitcoinTransaction | uglifyjs > bitcoin-transaction.min.js


var bitcoinTransaction = require('bitcoin-transaction');

//Send all my money from wallet1 to wallet2 on the bitcoin testnet
var from = "mm3gdVh8n6YtcNyaTKYkveB6yTME7aDWNJ";
var to = "mgPUfqJk4X6gE4P5Do5RfpkTFsYmsSjCya";
var privKeyWIF = "cNZi8iySqBToXMpcsQaHKD5uv7HExBQJBSi4dTg3ZPaEzeNAzvbj";	//Private key in WIF form (Can generate this from bitcoinlib-js)

bitcoinTransaction.getBalance(from, { network: "testnet" }).then((balanceInBTC) => {
	return bitcoinTransaction.sendTransaction({
		from: from,
		to: to,
		privKeyWIF: privKeyWIF,
		btc: balanceInBTC,
		network: "testnet"




Contains the services that provide low level functionality on the blockchain. Sensible defaults are set out of the box, but feel free to adjust these as you see fit. There are 4 provider types:

  • balance - Retrieves the balance of a wallet.
  • fees - Gets a list of current fees based on the BitCoin network going rate.
  • utxo - Pull a list of unspent transaction outputs.
  • pushtx - Push a raw transaction onto the blockchain.

Feel free to change the defaults by setting the default property on the provider. For example:

//Set the default main network balance provider to blockchain.info instead of blockexplorer.com
bitcoinTransaction.providers.balance.mainnet.default = bitcoinTransaction.providers.balance.mainnet.blockchain;

bitcoinTransaction.getBalance(address, options)

Returns a promise that yields the balance of the given address.

Option Default Description
network "mainnet" Set the BitCoin network. Either "mainnet" or "testnet".
balanceProvider providers.balance[NETWORK].default Set the service provider to fetch the balance.


Returns a promise that pushes a live transaction on the BitCoin blockchain.

Option Default Description
from (Required) N/A The wallet where you are getting the funds from.
to (Required) N/A The wallet where you are sending the funds to.
privKeyWIF (Required) N/A The private key for the from wallet.
btc (Required) N/A The amount to send in BitCoin (BTC).
network "mainnet" Set the BitCoin network. Either "mainnet" or "testnet".
fee "fastest" Set the fee for the transaction. Can be either one of "fastest", "halfHour" or "hour" in which case the actual fee numbers are fetched from the fees provider. Or it can be just a plain number in which case that will be used as the Fee per Byte value in Satoshis. It is recommended to use one of the string aliases unless you know what you are doing.
feesProvider providers.fees[NETWORK].default Set the service provider to fetch the fees.
utxoProvider providers.utxo[NETWORK].default Set the service provider to fetch the utxos.
pushtxProvider providers.pushtx[NETWORK].default Set the service provider to push the transaction raw hex code.
dryrun false This will not push the transaction, but instead return it as a hex string. Useful for debugging.
minConfirmations 6 The minimum number of confirmations needed for UTXOs