
ROS2 Foxy custom MSG

Primary LanguagePython


ROS2 Foxy custom MSG

This project is demonstrate how to create a custom message in ROS2 Foxy and work with python scripts with a Simnple Subscriber and Publisher.

I tried to get this information from other places but could not find proper way that describes this.

The project has three packages. custom_msg_pub, custom_msg_sub, and custom_msgs

  1. custom_msg_pub will publish custom messages using custom message from custom_msgs
  2. custom_msg_sub will subscribe to the published custom messages.
  3. custom_msgs package will define the custom message and installs them in install folder.

How to Run

  1. Clone the project
  2. inside root folder that is outside srs give $ colcon build --simlinnk-install in root folder.
  3. $ source install/local_setup.bash (this will make the messages available during run time)
  4. $ Runs subscriber and publisher