Implementation of basic data structures in C++ - Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Stack, Tree, Hashing , Heap
- Creation of Linked List from array
- Linked List traversal
- Insert Node at nth position in Linked List
- Delete Node at nth position in Linked List
- Reverse Linked list using iterative method
- Reverse Linked List using recursion
- Creation of Doubly Linked List from array
- Doubly Linked List traversal
- Insert Node at nth position in Doubly Linked List
- Delete Node at nth position in Doubly Linked List
- Reverse Doubly Linked list
- Array based stack implementation(OOPS concepts explored) | Follow This link
- Disadvantage : We might not know the exact size of the array so as a result few memory in the array are left unused and incase if the array size is not enough then new array is created with double to size of curent array and all elements from previous array is copied with O(N) time complexity.
- Reverse linked list, balance parantheses, reverse string using Stack from STL. | Follow This link
- Infix to Postfixnotation and evaluating Postfix notation by giving out the integers to the expression using stack from STL. | Follow This link