This is the code used for the following publication: Md W. Al Azad and S. Mastorakis, “Reservoir: Named Data for Pervasive Computation Reuse at the Network Edge,” IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2022.



  1. Ubuntu 18.04 or above.
  2. The CN(s) should have at least 16GB memory.
  3. Skimage(version 0.16.2)

To run the prototype:

Step 1: install ndn-cxx(0.7.0-8-gce9c1952) and NFD(0.7.0-7-g51cf75c8) on the routers and the CNs.

Step 2: Set the routing strategy to "/localhost/nfd/strategy/reservoir-strategy/%FD%05" for "/service" and "/cn".

Step 3: Download the demo model from here and put it in the "/Reservoir/Prototype/ProducerApp". Then run the "ProducerApp/" on the CN(s).

Step 4: Run the "UserApp/" on the user device(s). You may need to compile the "" to run the "".

Note: to run the prototype with other datasets, first split the dataset using "split_dataset/" and then put the smaller datasets to each user app directory.


Run the "ndnSIM/reuse.cpp". To simplify the simulation, we used pre-processed data. All the pre-processed data is in the "ndnSIM/apps/simulation_data_preprocessed" directory. To select any specific dataset with a specific similarity threshold, change the "dataFilePath" variable in the "reuseConsumer.cpp".