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TOML parser and builder for PHP

This is very much WIP. Do not use in production, maybe don't even call it a TOML parser just yet ;-)

Install using composer

Open a shell, cd to your poject and type:

composer require malc0mn/php-toml-processor dev-master

or edit composer.json and add:

    "require": {
        "malc0mn/php-toml-processor": "~1.0"

Usage examples

Parse file to array
$config = Toml::fromFile('config.toml')->toArray();
$toml = Toml::fromFile('config.toml')->prettyPrint(-1);

// Or like this
$toml = (string)Toml::fromFile('config.toml');
Edit a toml file and save it again
$toml = Toml::fromFile('/path/to/config.toml');

// Do stuff with $toml... Some fancy helper methods will be added soon.

// Or like this


The basic setup is based on Roman Piták's Nginx Config Processor which I personally like very much! Thanks for that @romanpitak! Credits were left in the files I re-used and modified.

I also used the Doctrine Lexer class which I simply included as I did not want to add a dependency for a single file. I also added an additional method (IMHO: a mistake in the Doctrine Lexer is a missing setter for the position property. Not for the faint of heart, but it would make the lexer completely extendable)... Thanks to @doctrine for that one!

This repo was created by integr.io for use in one of our Symfony applications.