Colin Malcolm's Portfolio


This application is a virtual representation of my work and personality combining my projects, contact information, resume, and skill set in to a react app using TailwindCSS.

Deployed Site:


  1. Create a react application that allows the user to see a detailed single page representation of my work and personality.
  2. Create a form that will allow the user to contact me.
  3. Responsive design to fit on both desktop and mobile.

Libraries and Dependencies

Tailwind - tailwind is AirBnB's CSS styling tool.
React - allows us to build Frontend.
React Router - used for Routes.






Component Hierarchy

|__ Components/
      |__ About.jsx
      |__ Contact
      |__ Footer
      |__ Header
      |__ Projects
      |__ Resume
      |__ Title
      |__ index.css
      |__ index.html
      |__ tailwind.css
      |__ tailwind.output.css


Component Breakdown

Component Type State Props Description
Header functional n n The header will contain the navigation and logo.
Footer functional y n This holds the links to social
App functional y y Holds the base of the code including routes
About functional n n About component.
Projects functional n n My Projects.
Title functional n n A title in my projects section.
About functional n n form to reach me.

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Add header compoent M 3 hrs 2 hrs hrs
Render images H 1 hrs 1 hrs hrs
Create Links H 1 hrs 1 hrs hrs
CSS M 5 hrs 3 hrs hr
Debugging H 3 hrs 1 hrs hrs
Deploy H 1 hrs 1 hrs hrs
Add Footer M 1 hrs 1 hrs hrs
Add Projects M 3 hrs 2 hrs hrs
Add About M 1 hrs 1 hrs hrs
TOTAL 19 hrs 13 hrs hrs


Add more personal details to my about me including where I live, hobbies, career background

Code Issues & Resolutions