
This project provides a lightweight and easy-to-use interface for extracting data from Transfermarkt by applying web scraping processes and offering a RESTful API service via FastAPI. With this service, developers can seamlessly integrate Transfermarkt data into their applications, websites, or data analysis pipelines.

API Swagger

Running Locally

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Go to the project's root folder
$ cd transfermarkt-api

# Instantiate a Poetry virtual env
$ poetry shell

# Install the dependencies
$ poetry install

# (optional) Append the current directory to PYTHONPATH

# Start the API server
$ python app/

# Access the API local page
$ open http://localhost:8000/

Running via Docker

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Go to the project's root folder
$ cd transfermarkt-api

# Build the Docker image
$ docker build -t transfermarkt-api . 

# Instantiate the Docker container
$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 transfermarkt-api

# Access the API local page
$ open http://localhost:8000/