What kind of triangle is it?

July 5th 2016

By Meaghan and Maldon


This web app tells the user if the three measurements they enter for sides of a triangle is a triangle or not. If it is a triangle it will let the user know what kind of triangle it is.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This is a simple Web application that should run in modern browsers A link.

{Leave nothing to chance! You want it to be easy for potential users, employers and collaborators to run your app. Do I need to run a server? How should I set up my databases? Is there other code this app depends on?}

Known Bugs


Support and contact details

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Technologies Used

{Tell me about the languages and tools you used to create this app. Assume that I know you probably used HTML and CSS. If you did something really cool using only HTML, point that out.}


{Determine the license under which this application can be used. See below for more details on licensing.}

Copyright (c) 2016 {List of contributors or company name}