
Aliases for python virtualenvwrapper

Primary LanguageShell

Virtualenv aliases

Aliases for virtualenvwrapper All aliases are loaded from main virtualenvwrapper postactivate.sh script.


  1. Requirements
    • python-virtualenv
    • virtualenvwrapper
  2. When the virtualenwrapper is already installed you should has exported WORKON_HOME env variable.
    • Check variable echo $WORKON_HOME
  3. Init and fetch this repo to the $WORKON_HOME dir. (You can't clone them)
    git remote add origin git@github.com:maledorak/venv-aliases.git
    git fetch origin
    git checkout -b master --track origin/master


  1. Add .env.default file with envs to your project (you should commit it). This envs will be used in aliases.
  2. Add .env file with envs to your project (you should add it to .gitignore).
  3. .env override .env.default variables.