
A Discord Bot written in NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this?

This is a general base template for a Discord Bot that supports chained commands.
Allows the output of the previous command able to be used as part of the input of the next.

How do I use it?

Install the project dependencies using npm install and rename the env.txt file to .env at the root of the project.
Open the .env file and enter your Discord bot token in the discordtoken field in double quotes.
Start your Discord Bot by running node . or npm start.
There are other environment variables that can be used for testing in it that are commented out with # that will be covered in the testing section


Some default configurations can be changed in parts/config.json such as the default prefix.
If you need to change how parts of the command parsing works, edit parts/commandParse.js to change how it separates command arguments

Adding commands

Commands follow a pattern and are put in either the commands/ folder or devcommands/ folder.
To create a new command, copy any existing command JavaScript file and change the fields to the name of your new command and it's usage and description.
Commands placed in the commands/ folder can be used by anyone and are run regardless of who calls them (Extra validation can be placed with a validate(message, args) field)
Commands placed in the devcommands/ folder will only be run if the user is an administrator or the owner of the bot and follow the same pattern as normal commands otherwise.


In the .env file, there are a few optional settings for making a copy of the bot to use during development.
First, invite the bot to a testing server or channel and uncomment whatever lines you need in .env
The functions of the optional variables are listed below:

  • owner: Your Discord account's id (Can be obtained with message.author.id). It allows you to use commands in the devcommands/ folder as well as commands that need admin permissions.
  • testingserver: The name of the server that you are testing the bot on. If this is set, the test bot will only run on a server with that name.
  • testprefix: Allows you to set an alternative prefix for the test bot to respond to by default and ignores commands run with the original prefix.