
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

owl - "Optix Wrappers Library" on top of Optix 7

What is OWL?

OWL is a OptiX 7 based library that aims at providing some of the convenience of OptiX 6's Node Graph API on top of OptiX 7. This aims at making it easier to port existing OptiX 6-style applications over to OptiX 7, and, in particular, to make it easier to get started with OptiX 7 even without having a full grasp of things like Shader Binding Tables, Multi-GPU rendering, etc.

OWL is still in early stages, which means that it as yet lacks many of the features that OptiX 6 offered, and in particular, that many things are still changing rather rapidly; however, it already contains several working mini-samples, so at the very least should allow to serve as a "show-and-tell" example of how to set up a OptiX 7 pipeline, how to build acceleration structures, how to do things like compaction, setting up an SBT, etc.

Key links:

API Abstraction Level and Directory Structure

The OWL API aims at an abstraction that is similar to OptiX 6's node graph. To do so it introduces logical types such as OWLBuffers (to handle buffers of data), OWLGeomType(s) (abstractions for geometry types that define what closest hit, any hit, etc programs to run for a given type), OWLGeoms (instances of geometry types, with specific inputs for those programs to operate on), etc.

Internally OWL actually uses two different abstration layers that live on top of each other: a "low-level" API (llowl) that is still rather basic; and the actual "node graph" owl API (owl). Externally only the public owl API is exposed.

Directory Structure of the Project:

  • owl/: the root OWL library defined in this project

    • owl/ll/: implementation the low-level API layer
    • owl/ng/: implementation the node graph API
    • owl/common/: common helper classes
    • include/owl/owl.h: header for the public, C-linkage host-side API
    • include/owl/common: C++ math/vector classes required for the device-side API
  • samples/: Samples/Tutorials/TestCases for OWL

    • samples/: tutorial-style samples that show how to create geometries, instances, etc
    • samples/advanced: more advanced sample containing a full OBJ model viewer (based on the siggraph 2019 OptiX course)
  • tests/: Some internal test cases; only for CI/testing/debugging, should usually not be of much interest to users of the API

Supported Platforms

General Requirements:

  • OptiX 7 SDK
  • CUDA 10 (preferably 10.2, but 10.1 is tested, too)
  • a C++-11 capable compiler (regular gcc on CentOS and Linux should do, VS on Windows)

Per-OS Instructions:

  • Ubuntu 18 & 19 (automatically tested on 18)
    • Requires: sudo apt install cmake-curses-gui
    • Build:
     mkdir build
     cd build
     cmake ..
  • CentOS 7:
    • Requires: sudo yum install cmake3
    • Build:
     mkdir build
     cd build
     cmake3 ..
    (mind to use cmake3, not cmake, using the wrong one will mess up the build directory)
  • Windows
    • Requires: Visual Studio (both 2017 and 2019 work), OptiX 7.0, cmake
    • Build: Use CMake-GUI to build Visual Studio project, then use VS to build
      • Specifics: source code path is ...Gitlab/owl, binaries ...Gitlab/owl/build, and after pushing the Configure button choose x64 for the optional platform.
      • You may need to Configure twice.
      • If you get "OptiX headers (optix.h and friends) not found." then define OptiX_INCLUDE manually in CMake-gui by setting it to C:/ProgramData/NVIDIA Corporation/OptiX SDK 7.0.0/include

(Main) TODOs:

  • more samples/test cases

  • add "Launch Params" functionality

  • add c-style API on top of ll layer

    • wrap DeviceGroup* into LLOContext type
    • wrap every DeviceGroup::xyz(...) function into a lloXyz(context,...) c-linkage API function
    • build into dll/so

Latest Progress/Revision History

v0.7.x - Unifiction of ng and ll APIs into one single owl API

v0.7.3: bug hotfix

  • hotfix for bug introduced when auto-freeing of device memory, which accidentally freed instance BVH whiel still in use.

  • various windows fixes; in particular removing tbb by default (windows only)

v0.7.2: various feature extensions and bug fixes

  • lots of additional use in owl prime, m-owl-ana, distributed renderer, etc.

  • fixed memory leak in instance builder

  • added multi-device sample (s07-rtow-multiGPU), including samples/s07-rtow-multiGPU/README.md with brief notes on how to do multi-GPU in owl

  • added a lot more documentation to api functions (though much is still missing)

  • added ManagedMemory buffer type

  • added several sanity checks for group sizes, traversable graph depth, etc (checking w/ optix limits before trying to build)

  • added AnyHit shader support

v0.7.1: bugfix release.

  • added variable plumbing for missing unsigned and 64-bit types

  • fixed race condition in creating/using api handles that caused random crashes when setting launch params from different threads

v0.7.0: merged ng and ll APIs into one single API

  • now have a single owl library, a single header file, etc

  • eliminated all old ll/ samples (they only confused users)

  • sierpinski, rtow, and rtow-mixedGeom samples now in owl API

  • eliminated compaction in user geom and instance groups (doesn't help, anyway, and now have lower peak memory)

  • camke now defines (and all samples etc use) cmake variables for OWL_INCLUDES and OWL_LIBRARIES

  • fixes for TBB; TBB now gets detected more automatically, and used if found, with fallback to serial implementation if not

  • added array3D, various cleanups and exntensions to owl/common

  • various bugfixes and sanity/range checks throughout

v0.6.x - Buffer updates, launch params, first interactive example, ...

v0.6.1: cleanup/flesh-out of instance transform API

  • added creation of instance groups to ng/owl API

  • added ability to use different matrix memory layouts (row major, column major)

  • on ll layer: axed 'transform' parameter in InstanceGroupSetChild; matrices should now get passed to dedicated InstanceGroupSetTransform function.

  • fixed various bugs related to instancing

v0.6.0: Buffer updates, launch params, first interactive example, ...

  • Added OWL-port of github.com/ingowald/optix7course siggraph course notes sample as a first 'advanced' sample that allows for interactive fly-throughs trhough a "real" model. See original course notes for instructions on how to use.

Process of adding this sample also required, among others, the following feature changes/additions

  • added support for resizing (owlBufferResize), destroying (owlBufferDestroy), and uploading data to (owlBufferUpload) buffers.

  • added concept of LaunchParams (with variables, similar to geoms), both for creating (owlLaunchParamsCreate) and launching with launch params (owlParamLaunch2D)

  • added support for asynchronous launches, where multiple launches can be in flight in parallel, using different streams. Wrote experimental "owl prime" project to debug, debug, and test this; project allow, for example, highly threaded cpu-side shading with owl-based, async GPU offload of the ray tracing (this project is not yet included).

  • worked on better interoperability between owl and CUDA-based host app; app can query buffer device pointers, add can add raw data (eg, cuda textures) to objects, app can query streams used for async launches (eg to add async cudamemcpys to that same stream, sync itself w/ owl, etc) and fixed includes to allow mixing cuda and optix code

  • added ability to create user-type variables (to pass, e.g., CUDA texture objects as parameters to meshes)

  • rewritten interface for getting and setting variables using macros, all object and variable types now supported

  • added support for more than one ray type (owlContextSetRayTypeCount)

  • clamped down on verbosity of the logging - most logs now visible only in debug mode

  • various minor bugfixes throughout the code

v0.5.x - First Public Release Cleanups

v0.5.4: First external windows-app

  • various changes to cmake scripts, library names, and in partciualr owl/common/viewerWidget to remove roadblocks for windows apps using that infrastructure

  • first external windows sandbox app (particle viewer) using owl/ng and owl/viewerWidget

v0.5.3: First serious node graph sample

  • ported ll05-rtow sample to node graph api

  • added bound program, user geom, user geom group, setprimcount and other missing functionality to node graph api

  • ng05-rtow ported, working, and passing tests

v0.5.2: First (partial) node graph sample

  • first working version of subset of node graph library (all that is required for 'firstTriangleMesh' example)

  • ng01-firstTriangleMesh working

  • significant renames and cleanups of owl/common (in particular, all 'gdt::' and 'gdt/' merged into owl::common and owl/common)

  • cleaned up owl/common/viewerWidget. Not used in owl itself (to avoid dependencies to glut etc), but now working successfully in first external test project

v0.5.1: First "c-api" version

  • added public c-linkage api (in include/owl/ll.h)

  • changed to build both static and dynamic/shared lib (tested working both linux and windows)

  • ported all samples to this new api

v0.5.0: First public release

  • first publicly accessible project on http://github.com/owl-project/owl

  • major cleanups: "inlined" al the gdt submodule sources into owl/common to make owl external-dependency-fee. Feplaced gdt:: namespace with owl::common:: to match.

v0.4.x - Instances

v0.4.5: ll08-sierpinski now uses path tracing

v0.4.4: multi-level instancing

  • added new DeviceGroup::setMaxInstancingDepth that allows to set max instance depth and stack depth on pipeline.

  • added ll08-sierpinski example that allows for testing user-supplied number of instance levels with a sierpinski pyramid (Thx Nate!)

v0.4.3: new api fcts to set transforms and children for instance groups

  • added instanceGroupSetChild and instanceGroupSetTransform
  • extended ll07-groupOfGroups by two test cases that set transforms

v0.4.2: bugfix - all samples working in multi-device again

v0.4.1: example ll06-rtow-mixedGeometries.png working w/ manual sucessive traced into two different accels

v0.4.0: new way of building SBT now based on groups

  • api change: allocated geom groups now have their program size set in geomTypeCreate(), miss and raygen programs have it set in type rather than in sbt{raygen/miss}build (ie, program size now for all types set exactly once in type, then max size computed during sbt built)

  • can handle more than one group; for non-0 group has to query geomGroupGetSbtOffset() and pass that value to trace

  • new sbt structure no longer uses 'one entry per geom' (that unfortunately doesnt' work), but now builds sbt by iterating over all groups, and putting each groups' geom children in one block before putting next group. groups store the allcoated SBT offset for later use by instances

v0.3.x - User Geometries

v0.3.4: bugfix: adding bounds prog broke bounds buffer variant. fixed.

v0.3.4: first 'serious' example: RTOW-finalChapter on OWL

  • added s05-rtow example that runs Pete's "final chapter" example (iterative version) on top of OWL, with multi-device, different material, etc.

v0.3.3: major bugfix in bounds program for geoms w/ more than 128 prims.

v0.3.2: added two explicit examples for uesr geom - one with host-generation of bounds passed thrugh buffer, and one with bounds program

v0.3.1: First draft of device-side user prim bounds generation

  • added groupBuildPrimitiveBounds function that builds, for a user geom group, all the the primbounds required for the respective user geoms and prims in that group. The input for the user geoms' bounding bxo functions is generated using same callback mechanism as sbt writing.

v0.3.0: First example of user geometry working

  • can create user geometries through createUserGeom, and set type's isec program through setGeomTypeIntersect
  • supports passing of new userGeomSetBoundsBuffer fct to pass user geoms through a buffer
  • first example (8 sphere geometries, each with one sphere per geom) available as s03-userGeometry


v0.2.1: multiple triangle meshes working

  • multiple triangle meshes in same group debugged and working
  • added ll02-multipleTriangleGroups sample that generates 8 boxes

v0.2.0: first triangle mesh with trace and SBT data working

  • finalized llTest sample that ray traced image of one (tessellated) box


  • first version that does "some" sort of launch with mostly functional SBT


  • Ingo Wald
  • Nate Morrical
  • Eric Haines