Project Title
Car Driver Tracker
Live here :
Track Drivers positions on map in real time and show driver name and details from the map in the list of drivers .
N.B: this project is using a javascript library for vector maps on the Web.
N.B: drivers coordiantes and destinations are mocked
Getting Started
Required : Node.js Runtime enivrement
How to use :
- Hover on driver card to show tooltip with the driver name in the map .
- Click on the driver card to move the map center to the driver's position
- Search for drivers by name in the search bar , a tooltip under all driver with searched char appears
- Click on Marker in the map to show driver details
- Redux : state management system (Not recomended for small projects)
- mapbox-gl : a JavaScript library for vector maps on the Web.
- Clone project
npm i
Executing program
npm start
Malek Abdelkader @malek-abdelkader
Version History
- 0.1
- Initial Release