
Users CRUD using SB admin template with login, register and roles requires php: >=7.2.5/Symfony 5.4

Primary LanguageCSS


Users CRUD using SB admin template with login, register and roles requires php: >=7.2.5/Symfony 5.4


Languages and frameworks

  • PHP >=7.2.5
  • MySQL (MariaDB)
  • HTML / CSS
  • Javascript (Aos, Glightbox, Isotope, Validate, Purecounter, swipper, Waypoints, Bootstrap)
  • Bootstrap (v5)
  • Google fonts (Open Sans)
  • Font awesome 5


  • User


  • home
  • user profile
  • login
  • registration
  • admin section and dashboard

To initialize the project

  • clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/malekkadri/User-Crud-Symfony5.git
  • Install all packages : composer install
  • set up a .env.local file from .env with:
    • MySQL credentials, server address, server port, database name
    • MAILER_DSN info to send emails (i use Mailhog for dev and a SMTP server for prod)
  • Create new database: symfony console doctrine:database:create
  • Build the migration: symfony console make:migration
  • Export into MySQL: symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • Install CKEditor : symfony console ckeditor:install
  • Install CKEditor assets : symfony console assets:install public
  • Install Elfinder (file browser for CKEditor) : symfony console elfinder:install
  • Change to PRODUCTION in .env.local (APP_ENV=prod)
  • Empty cache : symfony console cache:clear
  • Register a first account (/register) then change its role to ["ROLE_ADMIN"] in database
  • Login with this admin account and connect to admin dashboard (/login)
  • ... then start to create new categories and new articles
  • Tags will be automaticaly created as you write them (SELECT2 JQuery plugin)