Welcome to our Introduction to AI and Deep Learning Course Repo in collaboration with LeadingIndia.ai!

You can find more information about our Introduction to AI and Deep Learning Course in collaboration with LeadingIndia.ai by visiting the Course Website.

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Day 1

  • Theory: Introduction to AI and Deep Learning

    • Motivation: Foundations and Terminology of Deep Learning

    • AI vs ML vs DL: A comparison

    • Features and Weights

    • Machine Learning Recap: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression

    • Activation Functions.

  • Hands-on

    • Introduction to Python Programming

Day 2

  • Theory: Neural Networks

    • Neural Networks

    • Loss Functions

    • Gradient Descent

    • Feedforward and Backward Propagation

    • Deep Learning Model training

  • Hands-on

    • Building Neural Networks

Day 3

  • Theory: Dataset, Regularization and Hyperparameter Tuning

    • Dataset splitting and distribution

    • Evaluation Metrics

    • Bias vs Variance

    • Regularization: L1/L2 regularization, Dropout, Early Stopping

    • Optimization methods

    • Hyperparameter Tuning

  • Hands-on

    • Tuning Neural Networks

Day 4

  • Theory: Convolutional Neural Networks

    • ANN vs CNN

    • Convolution, pooling, padding, striding

    • Transfer Learning

    • Applications of CNN

  • Hands-on

    • Image Classification using CNN

Day 5

  • Theory: Recurrent Neural Networks

    • ANN vs RNN

    • Sequential Processing with RNN

    • Forward and Back Propagation

    • Language Models

    • LSTM and GRU

    • RNN Applications

  • Hands-on

    • Text Classification using RNN