- aastrozaIDS UDD, GeoVictoria
- abecciuGreater Los Angeles Area
- alexrutherfordMIT Media Lab
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- AsparagirlMill Valley, California
- bchartoffExcella
- bgriffen@dynomics
- bryant1410@Netflix
- burnash@stampsy
- clarecorthellAlaska
- danabauerPhiladelphia
- davidbauerZurich, Switzerland
- eddies5Austin, Texas
- eneskemalerginUniversity of British Columbia
- fly51flyPRIS
- hellopathParis, France
- HobokenMarthaFintech
- igorbrigadirInsight Centre for Data Analytics
- johnjreiserAreaplot, LLC
- kangpyoleeThe University of Iowa
- LucasVidalTwilio
- malevThe New York Times
- marfago
- messner1JHU CDH
- mikeenglandLondon, United Kingdom
- mikepqr
- mvrplCI&T
- patmanhHive (@HiveHQ)
- phillipadsmithVancouver, Canada
- rossant@int-brain-lab @cortex-lab
- smashwilson
- th0ma5w
- ThomasG77WebGeoDataVore
- vchollatiVA, USA
- vitautMeta
- zararahBerlin, Germany