
Backend management tools: CLI

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Management scripts

General System Overview

System structure

Distilled Hilbert interfaces/interactions:

Minimal hilbert interfaces

Current management structure:

Detailed current management structure

General notes about shell scripts:

  • Exit codes may be as follows (see status.sh, others will be updated):

    • 0: success
    • 1: detected error which is not our fault (e.g. network / HW etc): user can try again
    • 2: error due to wrong usage of scripts / in config files or some assumption was violated.
    • other positive values: something unexpected has happened.
  • One may need to capture both STDOUT and STDERR. Error messages (in STDERR) that are meant to be presented to users (admins) must be as informative as possible.

UI Back-end: high-level action scripts (see dockapp_dashboard/server/scripts/)

  • list_stations.sh: reads current config cache (STATIONS/)
  • start_station.sh: start stopped station
    1. start.sh $station_id: initiates station power-on (e.g. via WOL)
    2. deploy.sh $station_id: transfer neccessary configs/scripts if update is necessary (station may have nothing yet)
    3. prepare.sh $station_id: post-action upon changes due to above deployment
    4. default_update.sh $station_id: default framework start on the station (all BG services and GUI application) + updates server's copy of station's lastapp.cfg
  • appchange_station.sh: switch GUI applicaiton running on the station
    1. topswitch_update.sh $station_id $app_id: switches GUI app. on the station + updates server's copy of station's lastapp.cfg
  • stop_station.sh: stop station
    1. finishall.sh $station_id: gracefully finish (stop / kill / remove) all running framework' services
    2. shutdown.sh $station_id -h now: initiate system shutdown (with power-off) of the station (alternative: poweroff.sh $station_id)

NOTE: rebooting the station can be done with: shutdown.sh STATION -r now or reboot.sh STATION


  • sync.sh (to synchronize local cache STATIONS/ with station configs & scripts from CMS). Sync. is to be performed once before front-end starts & upon request from CMS (external trigger!):
  • list_stations.sh should also provide descriptions
  • start.sh may not wait for remote machine to power-on completely - there should be a wait on OMD afterwards
  • lastapp.cfg will be updated during start and appchange in order to indicate the current GUI app - cheaper alternative to waiting for OMD to report that.

Server-side scripts (wrappers for generic interface):

  • these scripts are to be directly accessible by high-level action scripts (described above) only.

  • they all currently require server's config cache (./STATIONS/) to be alongside with them.

  • All server-side management scripts (save for forall.sh helper) take non-empty STATION_ID handle as the 1st argument and require proper station configurations folder ./STATIONS/STATION_ID/

  • All valid and active station handles are listed in ./STATIONS/list (leading # means a commented-out line)

  • Arguments coming AFTER the leading STATION_ID argument to server-side management scripts will be forwarded AS IS to the corresponding command run on the station.

  • start.sh STATION_ID [WAKE_UP_ARGS]: tries to initiate a powering-on (e.g. via wake-on-lan) for the station specified by STATION_ID

  • deploy.sh STATION_ID: deploys the content of config cache (./STATIONS/STATION_ID/) to the specified station via scp (or maybe via sync.sh)

  • prepare.sh STATION_ID: prepares the station for framework execution. To be run once after any changes to station configs or management scripts (e.g. due to deployment/package installation)

  • default.sh STATION_ID: lunch all BG services and the specified (by default or cached choice) GUI app. on the station

  • topswitch.sh STATION_ID APP2: stop/kill the current GUI .app and start APP2

  • finishall.sh STATION_ID: stop/kill all BG services and the current GUI app on the station

Wrappers for UI (?):

  • lastapp.sh STATION_ID: retrieve station's lastapp.cfg and cache it on the server (in ./STATIONS/STATION_ID/)
  • topswitch_update.sh STATION_ID APP2: runs topswitch.sh STATION_ID APP2 and lastapp.sh STATION_ID
  • default_update.sh STATION_ID: runs default.sh STATION_ID and lastapp.sh STATION_ID


  • remote.sh STATION_ID CMD ARGS: runs the command specified by CMD ARGS on the station via ssh. This is the main working-horse for the rest of management scripts. NOTE: it is assumed that the station's user has password-less permissions to run the commands.
  • remote_cmd.sh: helper to run station-side scripts with the same name (see ./template/*.sh)
  • docker.sh STATION_ID ARGS: run docker ARGS on the station
  • launcher.sh STATION_ID COMPOSE_CMD_WITH_ARGS: run docker-compose COMPOSE_CMD_WITH_ARGS on the remote station within corresponding configuration directory (e.g. ~/.config/dockapp/) with all the deployed configuration files after reading the necessary station configs.

NOTE: remote.sh, status.sh and lastapp.sh use SSH_OPTS from config. cache (station.cfg and access.cfg) to do password-less command execution via ssh.

  • remote_sbin.sh: helper for running corresponding system commands on the station:
    • reboot.sh STATION_ID [ARGS] (run sudo -n -P /usr/sbin/reboot ARGS on the station)
    • poweroff.sh STATION_ID [ARGS] (run sudo -n -P /usr/sbin/poweroff ARGS on the station)
    • shutdown.sh STATION_ID [ARGS] (run sudo -n -P /usr/sbin/shutdown ARGS on the station) NOTE that these system commands require password-less permissions on the target station.


  • forall.sh may be replaced with argument to server-side scripts instead of leading station-id argument.
  • deploy.sh (and maybe lastapp.sh) should better use rsync (e.g. sync.sh) instead of scp.

Station-side low-level implementations (only accessible via SSH):

NOTE: all of the following start from within station's config. cache (e.g. ~/.config/dockapp/)

  • prepare.sh: prepares the station for framework execution. To be run once after any changes to station configs or management scripts (e.g. due to deployment/package installation). May update station's lastapp.cfg.
  • default.sh: lunch all BG services and the specified (by default or cached choice) GUI app. on the station. May update station's lastapp.cfg.
  • topswitch.sh APP2: stop/kill the current GUI .app and start APP2. May update station's lastapp.cfg.
  • finishall.sh: stop/kill all BG services and the current GUI app on the station. May update station's lastapp.cfg.


  • launcher.sh COMPOSE_CMD_WITH_ARGS: run docker-compose COMPOSE_CMD_WITH_ARGS within corresponding configuration directory (e.g. ~/.config/dockapp/) with all the config files after reading the necessary ones. This is the basis for higher-level scripts (default.sh, finishall.sh, topswitch.sh and prepare.sh).
  • ptmx.sh: misc. helper to try workaround docker setting wrong permissions on system's /dev/pts/ptmx

NOTE: currently lastapp.cfg is in /tmp/ and exports a single shell env. variable specifying the current GUI app.

Current configuration files and scripts

NOTE: these files are originally in ./templates/, for each station will be put into an individual subfolder of ./STATIONS/, to be deployed into ~/.config/dockapp/ on each station.

  • station.cfg: main data fields (as shell variables) about the station. May only be changed manually via CMS.

NOTE: the rest of configs and scripts should be removed from here once the development is finished.

  • startup.cfg: determine BG & default FG out of station_type (from station.cfg)
  • access.cfg: determine system access parameters for the station
  • compose.cfg, docker.cfg, docker-compose.yml: determine station local SW configuration (docker, X11, pulseaudio etc) for proper docker-compose functioning.
  • luncher.sh, finishall.sh, default.sh, prepare.sh, topswitch.sh: actual action scripts to be deployed to the station.
  • ptmx.sh: workaround for docker glitch. To be run by prepare.sh

Server management back-end (other deps):

start.sh -> wake-on-lan lastapp.sh -> remote.sh, scp / sync? remote.sh -> ssh status.sh -> remote.sh + ping (+ssh?) start.sh -> [?? remote.sh ??] deploy.sh -> remote.sh, [?? sync.sh / rsync ??] scp lastapp.sh -> status.sh + ssh remote.sh -> ssh lastapp.sh -> ssh sync.sh -> ssh, rsync or lftp

Virtual Methods: generic interface

default.sh -> remote_cmd.sh luncher.sh -> remote_cmd.sh prepare.sh -> remote_cmd.sh topswitch.sh -> remote_cmd.sh finishall.sh -> remote_cmd.sh

reboot.sh -> remote_sbin.sh poweroff.sh -> remote_sbin.sh shutdown.sh -> remote_sbin.sh

Adding new station / Initial generation:

Details on station configuration file STATIONS/ StationID /station.cfg (under development)

see the current template in dockapp/mng/templates/station.cfg

  • Generate initial configuration folder: init.sh station [STATION_TYPE]

    1. e.g. init.sh new-station-id simple (station type/profile: simple)
    2. init.sh new-station-id simple
  • Refresh station configuration in case of template/station-side-scripts changes: refresh.sh StationID?

  • transfer all the configs to corresponding station: deploy.sh StationID + port-deployment action: prepare.sh StationID

  • start with default services and TOP GUI app.: default.sh StationID

  • One can now add 'StationID' (by its fixed host-name or IP if static) to OMD (local URL: supernova.mfo.de/default) according to http://blog.unicsolution.com/2014/02/how-to-setup-omd-in-1-hour.html (section: Start Monitoring Target Hosts)