
A GAP package for accessing Singular from within GAP

Primary LanguageScilab

libsing -- a GAP package for interfacing with Singular

libsing interfaces to the Singular interface on the kernel level.

This differentiates it from e.g. the GAP package "singular", which
instead starts a regular Singular binary as a subprocess,
and communicates with that by sending text commands (just
as a user would), and then parsing the text replies Singular

Directly interfacing with the Singular C kernel is more complicated,
but has the advantage of avoiding parsing issues due to changed
output formatting, and also in general tends to be much, much

Obtaining libsing
You can obtain the latest version of libsing from


Currently libsing should work on any UNIX-like platform, including Linux
and Mac OS X.

Right now, there is no support for Windows, mainly because none of the
libsing developers uses Windows, but also because running GAP and
Singular on Windows is a bit tricky. If you are interested in Windows
support, please contact us.

Using libsing requires a recent version of GAP (we recommend 4.7.2 or
later), and Singular 4.0.0 or later. For technical reasons
(specifically, to allow coexistence of their respective memory
management systems), both should be built as 64 bit versions.

In addition, you need the following tools to build libsing:

* GNU autoconf
* GNU automake
* GNU libtool
* git

Most Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, ...) already
provide suitable packages for all of these. On Mac OS X, the most
convenient way to install them is also via a package manager like Fink,
MacPorts or Homebrew. Alternatively, you can install any of the above

Compiling libsing
For libsing to work, it is necessary that you use Singular 4.0.0
or later, and that Singular and GAP are compiled against the
exact same version of the GMP library.

The easiest way to achieve that is to compile Singular yourself,
telling it to link against GAP's version of GMP.

Therefore, usually the first step towards compiling libsing is to build
such a special version of Singular. 
The following instructions should get you going.

1. Fetch the Singular source code. You can either use a released version of
   Singular, such as 4.0.0, or the latest development version. Place the
   resulting source code into the subdirectory
   For your convenience, we provide two shell scripts which
   do this for you. If you want to use Singular 4.0.0, run
   If you want the development version run

2. Prepare Singular for compilation. At this point, you need to know
   against which version of GMP your GAP library was linked:
   If it is a GMP version installed globally on your system, simply run:   
   If it is the version of GMP shipped with GAP, run this instead:
     ./configuresingular --with-gmp=PATH_TO_GAP/bin/GAPARCH/extern/gmp
   where PATH_TO_GAP should be replaced with the path to your GAP installation,
   and GAPARCH by the value of the GAParch variable in PATH_TO_GAP/sysinfo.gap

3. Compile Singular by running

4. Now we turn to libsing. As first step, you need to setup its build
   system. To do this, simply run this command:


4. Prepare libsing for compilation, by running
     ./configure \
         --with-gaproot=PATH_TO_GAP \
         --with-libSingular=$PWD/singular/dst \
   where you should replace PATH_TO_GAP as above. If you know what
   you do, you can change your CONFIGNAME (but note that
   libsing should only be used with 64 bit versions of GAP).

5. Compile libsing:

Using libsing
Please consult the libsing manual for instructions on how to
use libsing once you compiled it successfully.

You can contact the libsing team by sending an email to

  gapsing AT mathematik DOT uni-kl DOT de

Bug reports or code contributions can be submitted via the issues
tracker respectively via pull requests at
