
Config file for linux

Primary LanguageVimL

My personnal linux configuration. Contains my .bashrc, my .vimrc, and all my vim plugins/tempaltes. Just run "make" to copy them in your home folder.

WARNING : Your currents configuration files will be overwritten.

Requirements : At least Vim 7.0 with ruby support (with the same version as your ruby version) and Exuberants Ctags must be installed.

Plugins used :

Quick use :

  • F8 display/hide the list of class, field, method, etc... Press Enter to jump directly to it. Gain focus on display.
  • "Ctrl + T" open a new file in a new tab.
  • "Ctrl + O" open an existing file in a new tab.
  • In normal mode :
    • ",c" toggle the comment state of the selected line(s).
    • ",c$" comments the current line from the cursor to end of line.
    • ",cA" adds comment delimiters to the end of line and goes into insert mode between them.
    • "Alt + Arrow" switch to the split window in that direction.
    • "<" and ">" change the indentation.
    • ",t" to search a file in the current folder. Use "" to open the file in a new tab.
  • In insert mode :
    • "Ctrl + z" undoes last change.
    • ",so" add System.out.println(); and leave the cursor inside the paranthesis.
    • ",no" add Notification.setMessage(); and leave the cursor inside the paranthesis.
    • ",ne" add Notification.setError(); and leave the cursor inside the paranthesis.