
Nose And Tail is a four-word-game-jam game I made in about three hours. Everything is public domain. Requires LibGDX and flixel-android to run.

Primary LanguageJava


Nose And Tail is a four-word-game-jam game I made in about three hours. Everything is public domain. Requires LibGDX and flixel-android to run.

The music is generated using autotracker-bu which you can get... somewhere on GitHub. I can't remember exactly where, unfortunately but I'll try and find it and link it in.

Really horrible code, hacked together, but might be of some use. Art and code are entirely public domain should anyone ever find it of use. In order to compile and run, you will need LibGDX libs and flixel-android, which you can get from here: http://forums.flixel.org/index.php?topic=6820.0 or (up to date) here: http://code.google.com/p/flixel-android/

If you just want to play the game (god forbid) go here: http://www.cutgar.net/4wgj/nose-and-tail.zip

If you want to ask me why I did this: mike @ cutgar.net
