
Primary LanguageJavaScript

BeeWar FE

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

And it's not yet ejected. Don't eject pls


Setup local config file: Copy contents of .env.template to .env

Get npm

// install deps
npm install
// start server
npm start

To lint before commit

npm run lint

You can see package.json to see other commands too (in the scripts section), but don't eject pls.

Local Proxy

See setupProxy.js for the proxy settings by http-proxy-middleware. Check the addresses in .env file too. Keep in mind, this only works in development (locally), and not in production, because in production, you don't run npm start.

Deploy to Heroku

In heroku, the buildpack uses nginx and a static build of the react app. To set environment variables, you need to open the settings of the heroku project. Please keep the environment variables in heroku settings and in .env.heroku file synced.

In origin/master branch,

// add remote
heroku git:remote -a beewar
// deploy
git push heroku master
// see logs
heroku logs --tail -a beewar

Production Proxy

Open this document: https://elements.heroku.com/buildpacks/mars/create-react-app-buildpack. See the "proxy for deployment" section. We have static.json file.