Using Feedback Loops To Synthesize Video from a Single Image
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>This project is inspired by the way humans learn to imagine the next few frames of video, when it comes to fluid motion. Just as we need to have seen a lot of occurences beforehand to imagine it with high accuracy, so does a neural network.
This is an implementation of the Pix2pix GAN architecture in PyTorch for Image-to-Image Translation, with a U-Net Generator and a PatchGAN Discriminator. We train the network on a specific set of video pertaining to the field that we want the network to learn (Eg: Clouds, water, waves, ink drops, etc) and task the network to predict the succeeding video frame, given a single frame as input.
The skip connections in the U-Net Generator help the network learn a transformation on the original frame, while maintaining the details from the original image.
We train the network for 200 epochs of 2000 frames of video with a batch size of 1 to achieve the results.
- Use a 70x70 PatchGAN as mentioned in the paper - "Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks" to optimise the output of the network.
- Varying the Lambda weight on the GAN loss/Pixel Loss tradeoff, to observe the difference in high and low frequence detail reproduction.