Minimal Sapper Blog Starter built with Strapi

A minimal Sapper Blog built with Strapi

This starter helps you get started building a blog with Sapper and Strapi. Feel free to fork, edit and customise it for your own use.

Screenshot of Home Page

  • Tutorial Status: In progress


  • Minimal design
  • Page prefetching
  • GraphQL first approach

Content Model

  • Title : Text
  • Description : Text
  • Published : Date
  • Body : Rich Text
  • Slug : Text
  • author : Relation wth User

In the works

  • Article name in page title
  • Post categories


  • A home page :/
  • An about page :/about
  • An articles page :/articles
  • A single article page :/articles/:Slug

Getting Started

To get started clone the repo

git clone
cd strapi-starter-minimal-sapper-blog

The project has two folders frontend for your Sapper frontend and backend for your Strapi backend.


The frontend is built with Sapper. This sets up your frontend.

cd frontend

npm install

Then run npm run dev to start your frontend server.


The backend is built with Strapi. This sets up your backend.

cd backend

yarn install

Then run yarn develop to start your backend server.


You can deploy your frontend by following the Sapper deployment guide.

For your backend, Strapi has numerous options in it's deployment guide.


Feel free to send over a PR for any changes you think should be included.