
GDSC NMIMS Hackathon'21 - Won Honorable Mention


Small retailers in India face difficulties in procuring products required for day-to-day operations, due to conditions from wholesale distributors which entail buying bulk quantities with a set minimum quantity in order to get discounts.

The entire transaction proceeding is at the whim and will of the Wholesale distributor. Small retailers are unable to bargain since they can only purchase small quantities.

Our solution plans to even the playing field by allowing multiple retailers to band together to post a bulk request on our platform, which will appear as a single bulk request to a verified wholesale distributor. The procured items will be transported by an outsourced third party. Payment for delivery from the client-side, with payment for materials divided depending upon the quantity ordered.

Key Features

  • Absolute impartiality: As long as both retailers and vendors are able to provide valid proof of business, they are eligible to post and participate in merged requests
  • Facilitates Wholesaler-Client relationship: This model results in a mutually beneficial relationship between a single large supplier and multiple small businesses, leading to improved communication, facilitated by both being registered on a single platform.
  • Supply chain consolidation: Our product mainly focuses on the transaction between the retailer and wholesaler, but both parties becoming more adaptive and accommodating is bound to ripple upwards in the supply chain.

Technologies Used

HTML  CSS  JavaScript  Python  Django  Firebase