
This application helps the deaf communicate with people who do not understand ASL (American Sign Language)

Primary LanguagePython


This local application converts sign language to text. Its purpose is to help the deaf communicate with people who don't understand sign language.

Getting started

Clone the repository. I have uploaded the trained graph from TensorFlow which can be used for sign language classification. Another option would be to use a Python script to train the neural network on your own hyper-parameters.


The program runs using Python3. It can be downloaded at https://www.python.org/

  • TensorFlow (a symbolic math library)
  • OpenCV (image processing module)
  • NumPy (support for large multi-dimensional arrays and matrices)
  • Matplotlib (Plotting library and numerical mathematics extension of NumPy)


You can download the wheel files for the prerequisite Python3 modules at https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/.

To install run -

pip install WheelFileName.whl

Alternative -

pip install tensorflow
pip install opencv-python
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib

To train the neural network, run the Python script train.py on the terminal with the following hyper-parameters.

python3 train.py \
--bottleneck_dir=logs/bottlenecks \
--how_many_training_steps=2000 \
--model_dir=inception \
--summaries_dir=logs/training_summaries/basic \
--output_graph=logs/trained_graph.pb \
--output_labels=logs/trained_labels.txt \

Running the algorithm

You can run the following commands both at the terminal. I have provided the trained the trained graph and other prerequisites to run the following program. If you want to retrain the model, delete the folder 'logs'. Then run the command above to train. All the commands below will only run if the prerequisites above have been satisfied. To classify images of sign language, run the following command -

python3 classify.py path/to/image.jpg

To use the webcam to classify images in a live video feed, run the following command. P.S - This program can also run using the Python IDE

Python classify_webcam.py

Keep your hand in the rectangle shown in the program for detecting sign language.

How it works

The program uses the grayscaled images in the folder 'dataset' to train the neural network. It makes an array of the pixel vaules in the image. Then, it performs distortions over the images for variations and better training results. It splits the dataset into different batches for mini-batch SGD (stochastic gradient descent). All the information regarding them can be found at Google's machine learning crash course here https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/reducing-loss/stochastic-gradient-descent. All the training takes place in a TensorFlow sesssion. A results of the training is stored in a 'graph'. The graph is responsible for the final classification results.

Don't fall asleep yet. It gets interesting.

Once the output of the training has been stored in the graph, the program classify.py used the graph to classify images. It returns a confidence factor or score for the image compared to every letter, with results ranked in order from highest to lowest. The program webcam_classify.py uses the webcam to classify a live video feed in sentences. If the graph has a high confidence factor for a sign made in front of the camera, for a certain period of time, the letter is considered to be part of the sentence. The program can perform actions such as deleting letter, putting spaces for new words and detecting when no sign is being made.

Results -

Running classify_webcam.py over an image of the letter D in sign language.
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Built with

  • Python3


All my team members for the hackathon in which this project was built.