
To take advantage of functionality, one has to start up each of the two services.

File Import Service

Reads in files and stores data in the data/ directory

Starting the Import Service

java -Dconfig.file=conf/import.conf -jar dist/file-importer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar

To Read a File

One can use the importData script in bin/ like so:

bin/importData "file-importer/importData/importAdvanced.psv"

The input argument is the path of the file to import. The file must contain all columns and must have a header, the columns can be in any order.

Query Service

Queries stored data using a robust query language

Starting the Query Service

java -Dconfig.file=conf/query.conf -jar dist/murakami-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar

To Query the Service

Any combination of the below query methods can be used to return data.

Available Columns

  • STB (String)
  • TITLE (String)
  • REV (Double)
  • VIEW_TIME (Date)
  • DATE (Date)
  • PROVIDER (String)

Select Queries

A simple select query will look across all data to get all the specified columns

bin/query -s $column1,$column2,...


bin/query -s STB,TITLE

Ordering Results

Any query can be ordered, simply input any number of columns and the query will be ordered by those columns starting with the first (each following column is used to break ties)

bin/query -s $column1,$column2,... -o $column1,$column3,...


bin/query -s STB,TITLE -o STB

Advanced Filtering of Results

Queries can be filtered with checks on equality for any column (in the strict format $col="$val"), also one can combine any number of 'and' or 'or' statements to create a filter.

bin/query -s $column1,$column2,... -f '$column1=$value1 and ($column2 = $value2 or $column1=$value3) ...'


bin/query -s STB,TITLE -f 'STB="stb1" or (STB="stb2" and TITLE="the hobbit")'

Grouping and Aggregating

Instead of a raw select, one can choose to aggregate data for each column based on a column group. To use this functionality one will have to set a group and specify aggregates for all other columns.

Available Aggregates:

  • min - Numerical only, finds the minimum value
  • max - Numerical only, finds the maximum value
  • sum - Numerical only, adds up all values
  • Count - Any, adds up the number of unique values
  • Collect - Any, creates a list of all unique values

bin/query -s $groupColumn,$column1:agg1,$column2:agg2,... -g $groupColumn


bin/query -s STB,TITLE:collect,REV:sum -g STB


stb1,[the game,unbreakable,the matrix],18.5

stb3,[bruce lee,the matrix],6.0

stb2,[mighty ducks,the hobbit],16.0

Future Ideas

  • Switch to using column oriented storage for compaction and faster reads
  • Parallelize the final combination step
  • Order each combiner in parallel before final combination so that sorts are divide-and-conquer
  • Don't restrict order of columns, and make taking in new columns seamless
  • Metrics and healthchecks