
Developed using OpenCV to automatically detect edges of an A4 sheet and convert it into pdf document

Primary LanguagePython


Developed using OpenCV to automatically detect edges of an A4 sheet and convert it into pdf document.

Required Modules:

  1. cv2

  2. PIL (pillow)

  3. numpy

  4. imutils

  5. shutil

  6. tesseract-ocr (Specific to Ubuntu and Mac)

  7. To run the script open terminal and redirect to the Cam-Scanner directory and type :"python3 scanner.py"

  8. Now click on OPEN button and select the image you want to scan.

  9. Click on SAVE button once the required changes are made:

  10. Click on VIEW button and to extract text, click on EXTRACT TEXT button (THe extracted text will be displayed on the terminal:

  11. Click on CONVERT button to convert the images to pdf. The pds will be saved as scanned.pdf in the "Cam-Scanner" directory:

  12. The scanned pdf would look similar to: