
LMML - Legal Medicine Mark-up Language (mirror)

Primary LanguageRuby


Ruby version: 2.4.3

Suggest to install ruby with rvm:

rvm install 2.4.3

System dependencies

# This installs git and tzdata (on Ubuntu).
# tzdata should be included as is in most environment
apt install git tzdata

Clone the repository with git. Then install the dependencies:

cd lmml-on-rails
gem install bundler
bundle install

You will need to install a node to run some tests. It is suggested to manage your node install with nvm.

nvm install 8  # Install latest node version in the 8.x.x branch
npm install

Database initialization

Use sqlite3 for development. Run the following command to clean and reset the database.

rails db:clean

How to run the test suite

As a counter-measure against regressions, except for teaspoon (JS tests), all the following test suite and commands are run during the CI.

  • Back-end tests
rails test
  • Front-end tests

Run bundle exec teaspoon from CLI or go there to run tests (broken now).

  • Linters
rubocop    # Run ruby linter
haml-lint  # Run Haml linter
standard   # Run JS linter

Run the server

When all is set up:

rails server

Go to http://localhost:3000 and get started to development.

App architecture