An image processing library with basic features created in C++
The library is completed in a series of steps (subtasks), completed in order.
Implement the following functions using 32 bit float as datatype.
- Convolution of a square input matrix and a square kernel, both matrices of any size and the kernel smaller than the input,
- with and without padding to maintain or reduce the size of the input matrix.
- implement the function both as convolution and as matrix multiplication.
- Non-linear activations of an input matrix of any size with rlu (Rectified Linear Units) and tanh (Hypeborlic) functions on individual matrix elements.
- Sub-sampling of square input matrices of any size with max pooling and average pooling functions.
- Converting a vector of random floats to a vector of probabilities with softmax and sigmoid functions.
Extend and optimise the previous design by implementing multi-threading.
POSIX Threads
to implement various functionalities including matrix-multiplications to parrallely execute associative/independent operations. -
Use other open source libraries such as
, to achieve the same extension to your desing. -
Compare performance and plot the result. Use
for plotting. -
Results : We were very well able to compete with open-blas but mkl had an advantage as it made use of architecture much better than us.
Use the present design to implement LeNet architecture for digit-recognition.
- Result : We achieved an accuracy of (98.9%) when testing our design on MNIST data set.
- Dependencies : We have used
python cv2
for converting our image to a desirable format.