
NodeJS Web App and WebAPI secured by Azure AD.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NodeJS Web App and WebAPI secured by Azure AD.

See other Azure AD + NodeJS code examples

  1. Daemon/serverless applications Client Credential Flow
  2. Web Applications OIDCStrategy
  3. Web APIs BearerStrategy
  4. Forwarding user identity On Behalf Of Flow
  5. Key Vault and Managed Identity

serverAPIApp: App setup and configuration

  1. Register a web app, no redirect uri
  2. Under the Expose an API section, add an appid URI, for example https://<tenantname>.onmicrosoft.com/server
  3. Add a scope called myscope
  4. Update the following lines in server.js:
var tenantID = "<tenantid>" ; // guid;
var clientID = "<clientid>" ; // guid
var audience = "<appiduri>" ; // example "https://tenantname.onmicrosoft.com/server"
  1. Run npm start, your API is now running on http://localhost:5000
  2. To verify, visit http://localhost:5000/admin, you should get a 401.

ClientWebApp: App setup and configuration

  1. Register a web app
  2. Redirect URI of http://localhost:3000/auth/openid/return
  3. Enable id_token
  4. Under API permissions, grant access to https://<tenantname>.onmicrosoft.com/server/myscope, ensure you grant consent.
  5. Add a client secret, note down it's value.
  6. Update values in config.js, specifically the following
var tenantName = '<tenantname>';
var tenantID = '<tenantid>';
var clientID = '<clientid>';
var clientSecret = '<clientsecret>';
exports.resourceURL = '<appiduri>';
  1. Run npm start, and visit http://localhost:3000 in your favorite browser. Verify that you can call the serverAPIApp using the "Call API" menu item.